Lam Chun Wing has been successful promoting to Sujet in 2024
Jean M. Wong School of Ballet is delighted to announce that Alumnus Mr. Lam Chun Wing, the recipient of The Tsinforn C. Wong Memorial Scholarship──Dame Margot Fonteyn Award (2011-2015), who was trained at Paris Opera Ballet School under the School Scholarship, has been successful promoting to Coryphées (only 2 places offered per year) in the Concours de Promotion du Ballet which was held on 15 April 2021, Chun Wing came first place out of 12 competing dancers in this annual competition between the dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet.
Congratulations to Chun Wing! We admire his talent and his perseverance, the School believes that he will continue his good performance and we hope that our students would be much inspired by Chun Wing and his determination.